Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Atomic Force Microscopy with Nanoscale Cantilevers Resolves Different Structural Conformations of the DNA Double Helix

Carl Leung, Aizhan Bestembayeva, Richard Thorogate, Jake Stinson, Alice Pyne, Christian Marcovich, Jinling Yang, Ute Drechsler, Michel Despont, Tilo Jankowski, Martin Tschöpe, and Bart W. Hoogenboom

Structural variability and flexibility are crucial factors for biomolecular function. Here we have reduced the invasiness and enhanced the spatial resolution of atomic force microscopy (AFM) to visualize, for the first time, different structural conformations of the two polynucleotide strands in the DNA double helix, for single molecules under near-physiological conditions. This is achieved by identifying and tracking the anomalous resonance behavior of nanoscale AFM cantilevers in the immediate vicinity of the sample.


Journal: Nano Letters

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Regulation of the H4 tail binding and folding landscapes via Lys-16 acetylation

Davit A. Potoyan and Garegin A. Papoian

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) are a broad class of proteins with relatively flat energy landscapes showing a high level of functional promiscuity, which are frequently regulated through posttranslational covalent modifications. Histone tails, which are the terminal segments of the histone proteins, are prominent IDPs that are implicated in a variety of signaling processes, which control chromatin organization and dynamics. Although a large body of work has been done on elucidating the roles of posttranslational modifications in functional regulation of IDPs, molecular mechanisms behind the observed behaviors are not fully understood. Using extensive atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, we found in this work that H4 tail mono-acetylation at LYS-16, which is a key covalent modification, induces a significant reorganization of the tail’s conformational landscape, inducing partial ordering and enhancing the propensity for alpha-helical segments. Furthermore, our calculations of the potentials of mean force between the H4 tail and a DNA fragment indicate that contrary to the expectations based on simple electrostatic reasoning, the Lys-16 mono-acetylated H4 tail binds to DNA stronger than the unacetylated protein. Based on these results, we propose a molecular mechanism for the way Lys-16 acetylation might lead to experimentally observed disruption of compact chromatin fibers.


Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Monday, October 22, 2012

Direct Observation of Cotranscriptional Folding in an Adenine Riboswitch

Kirsten L. Frieda, Steven M. Block

Growing RNA chains fold cotranscriptionally as they are synthesized by RNA polymerase. Riboswitches, which regulate gene expression by adopting alternative RNA folds, are sensitive to cotranscriptional events. We developed an optical-trapping assay to follow the cotranscriptional folding of a nascent RNA and used it to monitor individual transcripts of the pbuE adenine riboswitch, visualizing distinct folding transitions. We report a particular folding signature for the riboswitch aptamer whose presence directs the gene-regulatory transcription outcome, and we measured the termination frequency as a function of adenine level and tension applied to the RNA. Our results demonstrate that the outcome is kinetically controlled. These experiments furnish a means to observe conformational switching in real time and enable the precise mapping of events during cotranscriptional folding.


Journal: Science

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Quantifying internal friction in unfolded and intrinsically disordered proteins with single-molecule spectroscopy

Andrea Soranno, Brigitte Buchli, Daniel Nettels, Ryan R. Cheng, Sonja Müller-Späth, Shawn H. Pfeil, Armin Hoffmann, Everett A. Lipman, Dmitrii E. Makarov, and Benjamin Schuler

Internal friction, which reflects the “roughness” of the energy landscape, plays an important role for proteins by modulating the dynamics of their folding and other conformational changes. However, the experimental quantification of internal friction and its contribution to folding dynamics has remained challenging. Here we use the combination of single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer, nanosecond fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, and microfluidic mixing to determine the reconfiguration times of unfolded proteins and investigate the mechanisms of internal friction contributing to their dynamics. Using concepts from polymer dynamics, we determine internal friction with three complementary, largely independent, and consistent approaches as an additive contribution to the reconfiguration time of the unfolded state. We find that the magnitude of internal friction correlates with the compactness of the unfolded protein: its contribution dominates the reconfiguration time of approximately 100 ns of the compact unfolded state of a small cold shock protein under native conditions, but decreases for more expanded chains, and approaches zero both at high denaturant concentrations and in intrinsically disordered proteins that are expanded due to intramolecular charge repulsion. Our results suggest that internal friction in the unfolded state will be particularly relevant for the kinetics of proteins that fold in the microsecond range or faster. The low internal friction in expanded intrinsically disordered proteins may have implications for the dynamics of their interactions with cellular binding partners.


Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences